Candace Savage

Crows: Encounters with the Wise Guys of the Avian World by Candace Savage is an engaging tribute to the multi-faceted crow. Relying on research and some fascinating anecdotes, Savage explores the tool-making and tool-using capabilities of crows, their intelligence, their ability to relay information to other crows (“crow language”), their trickery, their social interactions, and their family dynamics. Peppered liberally throughout the text are short myths and fables featuring crows and ravens, as well as some beautiful illustrations of the birds, including delicate water colors, engravings, prints, and photographs.

The book avoids technical language, making it a very readable and engaging introduction to all manner of crow-dom. Although there is a lot we know about crows, Savage clearly indicates there is much we don’t know. Further research is needed to fully explore the capabilities of this interesting species with whom we seem to have a lot in common.


AuthorTamara Agha-Jaffar
CategoriesBook Review